The Law Office of Jennifer Marshall, Esq

New Jersey Attorney Who Handles Restraining Orders and Assault Charges

As an attorney it is not uncommon for me to get phone calls from people who have to appear in Superior Court to deal with a restraining order and Municipal/Superior Court to deal with an assault charge.  It is a very stressful process especially if you are the defendant.  Restraining order hearings sometimes go on for hours and can result in Final (permanent) Restraining Orders.  Then after you realize the Restraining Order could effect your life and getting a job you then have to go to Municipal/Superior court to deal with the criminal assault charges from the same incident(s).  Criminal assault charges, if you are found guilty, are now part of your criminal history and could effect your future.

Many people who call me tell me they placed a Temporary Restraining Order on someone and now they have one against them.  Such a situation is allowed and happens frequently.  Now the person who feels they are a victim now becomes a defendant and must fight to protect their rights.  If you or someone you know finds themselves in a New Jersey courthouse dealing with a Restraining Order or an Assault charge, call my office today for a consultation. You should never take on the system alone!