When you have been charged with a traffic offense like speeding, reckless driving, or failure to stop, you will naturally have questions about how to handle things. You may assume that accepting your ticket is your only option for moving forward. However, this is not always the case. An experienced defense attorney could help answer your questions.
As a local Piscataway traffic lawyer, Jennifer Marshall, Esq. has years of experience under her belt and could assist you in finding the best way to handle your traffic infraction. Let our team fight to get the best possible outcome for your situation.
A multitude of driving-related offenses can be found in the New Jersey law books. These include everything from relatively minor traffic tickets to major moving violations. Examples include:
In addition to court proceedings, traffic offenses can also lead to administrative action by the Department of Motor Vehicles. A Piscataway traffic attorney could work to handle things on both ends—with the prosecutor as well as the DMV.
Fines are the most common penalties for traffic offenses, but jail time is also a possibility, depending on the charge and its severity. For example, a ticket for double parking may carry a $54 fine, while driving on a suspended license is punishable by a fine of between $500 and $1,000, additional license suspension, and jail time, depending on whether it is a first or subsequent offense. Speeding tickets can be up to $260—doubled in some cases—depending on how much over the speed limit the driver was allegedly going.
Another example is leaving the scene of an accident. If the accident caused property damage only, the penalty is a fine of between $200 and $600, jail time, and license suspension. If there are injuries, the penalty is a fine of between $2,500 and $5,000, up to 180 days in jail, and license suspension (a permanent suspension for repeat offenses). Fleeing the scene of a crash could also be charged as a criminal offense, leading to potential prison time.
DUI’s also could involve serious repercussions, including jail time, thousands of dollars in fees and costs, loss of driving privileges, required alcohol education and counseling, and installation of an ignition interlock device. Other consequences are points on one’s driving record, which can, in turn, lead to loss of driving privileges.
While people who get traffic tickets sometimes decide to just pay the fine and be done with it, getting help from a Piscataway lawyer experienced in these kinds of traffic matters could potentially help someone avoid unnecessary payments, points on their license, and other consequences.
Defenses for traffic violations often include innocence, inconsistencies between the officer’s statement and video footage, faulty radar gun or other equipment, unconstitutional stop, and procedural defects with the ticket, among others. The best approach will be dependent on many factors, including the type of traffic offense and the motorist’s driving record.
As an alternative to getting a charge dismissed, a Piscataway traffic attorney could sometimes negotiate a violation down to a lesser charge to mitigate the impacts of potential penalties. In addition, negotiations could also impact license suspension. To achieve a better outcome, an attorney might request that the court agree to a partial license suspension with conditions that allow the defendant to take care of their basic responsibilities instead of a full suspension.
Traffic offenses can be costly and lead to license suspension and other consequences. Whether you made a mistake, had a lapse of judgment, or are innocent of the charges, you will need a strong defense. A Piscataway traffic lawyer could provide the help you need right now.
When you are fighting a traffic ticket, put your trust in the Law Offices of Jennifer Marshall. In and out of the courtroom, we strive to be a voice for the voiceless. We could answer your questions, explain the process, and help you map out a possible defense. Call for a consultation today.