If you are in legal trouble, life can be confusing. You want to make sure that in the best case scenario, you are relieved of all charges. To accomplish any of this, you will need a lawyer. Of course, in New Jersey and anywhere else, you are given the choice of hiring professional help or having a court appointed attorney.
While court appointed attorneys have been through law school, you may need legal representation that exceeds their knowledge and time commitment. Court appointed lawyers often work pro bono, (I.e. free) or at a discount rate.
When talking to a court appointed attorney, you need to keep that in mind. Ideally, your lawyer commits to your case 100% and focuses on all options available for reducing or lowering your criminal misdemeanor or felony. Sadly with the overload on the legal system, you often run into a situation where you get what you pay for.
There are many types of lawyers and each specializes in various aspects of law. In order to win a strong criminal case you need someone like Jennifer Marshall, with strong experience in criminal law, violent felonies, domestic violence, rape and more. We are dedicated to work as hard on any size case, regardless of circumstance in a confidential manner with utmost respect.
We always recommend an initial consultation with our office before deciding on choosing a court appointed lawyer for your personal matters and valuable life. We can discuss your case in confidence, offer advice and options to help in a difficult life situation. Our friendly staff will answer questions and make you feel comfortable when choosing between the different options available.
If you are in legal trouble in New Jersey, give our office of Jennifer Marshall Esq. a call. We would be happy to talk with you and advise you on the various options available. You can also visit our firm’s website at www.jlmarshallesq.com. Don’t take a chance with your success in court, hire someone who has a winning record!