The Law Office of Jennifer Marshall, Esq

Should You Sign a Marital Settlement Agreement Without Having It Reviewed?

The answer to that question is no. I have had several people come to my office with Marital Settlement Agreements they signed without seeing an attorney first. They felt they had to sign because their spouse said to or they felt the divorce would go easier if they signed.

The opposite is true, signing without knowing what it really says and what your rights are could cost you more and be a headache to undo in the Courts.

I have sucessfully negotiated Marital Settlement Agreements for many clients who had signed before seeing me.  They would have lost out on alimony, child support and money from their marital homes had I not reviewed their agreements.

If you are struggling on whether or not to sign a Marital Settlement Agreement or you have already signed one and you are having second thoughts and concerns, contact my office.

Call now before it is too late.