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Somerset County Prosecutor Wayne J. Forrest Leaving Office

It was announced today, that Somerset County Prosecutor Wayne J. Forrest is leaving his post as prosecutor.  Mr. Forrest was sworn in as the 22nd Prosecutor for Somerset County on December 19, 1997.  During his time as prosecutor he has done many things including establishing the first countywide Vehicular Homicide Task Force and Collision Analysis Reconstruction Team, the first Technology to Recover Abducted Kids System, the first countywide Dive-Rescue Team and a countywide Arson Investigation Task Force.

During Mr. Forrest’s term the prosecutor’s office can brag that it was the first in the State with the lowest backlog of pre-indictment cases and it is among the highest in the State in number of cases tried per year per assistant prosecutor.  Mr. Forrest also required that his prosecutors get more advanced training, so he instituted a monthly Continuing Legal Education Program.

Mr. Forrest has a lot to be proud of.  It was a career of many firsts and I am sure his legacy will live on.  No news yet on who is to replace him.

Want to learn more? Give our office a call today.