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What Is a Restraining Order?

A new jersey restraining order is used for people who feel that their safety is threatened by another person. It is a civil order to ensure your personal space is protected against unwanted parties. Reasons to obtain a restraining order vary but it is often sought when a person attempts to harm you or gives you reason to believe they are planning on harming you.

A judge hears both sides of the story prior to granting a restraining order and is meant to keep a person safe from assault, threats, kidnapping, criminal mischief, sexual assault, harassment and/or stalking. Once both sides are heard in court, the judge can determine a no contact order, permission to remove items from a shared space, emergency financial support from the abuser and/or temporary sole possession of property.

If you feel you have been threatened and are in need of help, contact Jennifer Marshall Law to assist in getting what you deserve. Consultations are available 24/7 with convenient evening and weekend hours available.