Having a matter in the Family Part is not only stressful but it can also be an emotionally draining process. Many people decide they want to represent themselves in their divorce matter, child custody battle or restraining order. We have found that strategy does not work and sometimes makes the matter worse.
We have had countless clients that have represented themselves and had to retain our firm to fix the Agreement reached or the Order entered by the Court. Many times it happens because the client does not know what they are entitled to or how to address the Court. There are procedural pitfalls that clients can run into when they do not know Court Rules or evidence.
Our firm strives to make family matters easier on clients and help them understand the process. As counsel we are not a part of the emotional side of your matter that sometimes causes the Court to tune out a client that represents themselves. We are fact driven and evidence based. We want you to get what you deserve under the law.
We also strive to always protect the child(ren). We never bargain children the way other attorneys might.
If you’re looking for a firm that will fight for you and protect your rights give us a call today (732) 412-3737