What is Parent Alienation Syndrome (PAS) and when is it used in family cases? PAS is a syndrome within the child who comes to believe that the targeted parent is someone unworthy of having a relationship based upon the behavior of the alienating parent.
It would stand to reason that based on that definition, PSA is seen in family cases involving custody issues. The concept of PAS is attributed to Dr. Richard Gardner. Dr. Gardner lists eight typical symptoms found in a child with PAS.
1. A campaign of denigration where everything the targeted parent does is incorrect and the child claims they were never close to the targeted parent.
2. A weak basis for the denigration
3. A complete lack of ambivalence where the targeted parent does everything wrong and the alienating parent does everything right.
4. The child states the alienating parent has done nothing to influence his/her decision.
5. C0mplete support for the alienating parent.
6. Lack of guilt.
7. Borrowed scenarios and fragmented memories.
8. Rejection of the extended family of the targeted parent.
It goes without saying that before these eight factors can be considered the targeted parent and the child must have had a close relationship with no alienation.
In custody cases PAS makes the case more complicated. PAS is not as widely accepted by the Courts. Any expert that you get to testify in your case will have a tough time with questions concerning admissibility of the evidence.
With that said PAS is a viable and real option. I have dealt with cases of PAS and courts have accepted it as a real syndrome. No parent should have to be alienated and no parent should get away with alienating another parent. If this is happening to you, efforts should be made to obtain an attorney who is familiar with PAS and who is not afraid to fight for you. Call our office today.