When you are facing charges of solicitation, your first instinct might be to try to make the matter go away as quickly as possible. You might want to quickly plead guilty and hope that nobody finds out, but accepting an initial plea agreement is not always in your best interests. Your best chance of protecting your future, your personal life, and your professional reputation is to work with a Piscataway solicitation lawyer who you can trust will work tirelessly to help.
An experienced sex crimes attorney could work closely with you to achieve the best possible outcome given the facts of the case.
Under state law, prostitution and solicitation are both sex crimes. Prostitution is the offer or acceptance of an offer to engage in a sexual activity in exchange for compensation. Solicitation is the act of trying to offer money or property to get or solicit someone to engage in prostitution. A defendant could face solicitation charges even when the proposed sexual act did not occur.
Because local courts treat solicitation charges seriously, a conviction could bring severe penalties. A first-time offender would likely face a disorderly persons charge, which could bring a six-month jail sentence and a fine of up to $1000. Repeat offenders could face more significant penalties, including more time in jail. When the alleged offender used a vehicle in the solicitation, they could lose their license for up to six months. Solicitation of a minor, even when the defendant was unaware of their age, could result in harsher penalties, including a three-to-five-year prison sentence.
A determined solicitation lawyer in Piscataway understands how serious the consequences are and could work aggressively for a swift and satisfactory resolution.
Solicitation charges are serious legal matters. Creating a solid defense strategy is essential.
A lawyer could look at the prosecution’s evidence, assess the strength of their case, and look for weaknesses to prove reasonable doubt. For instance, an attorney could look for evidence of misidentification in the inconsistent testimony of an eyewitness. They could dispute the police officer or eyewitnesses’ account of what happened, such as by establishing there was no exchange of money. An attorney could also rebut the prosecution’s claim by producing an alibi to testify that the defendant was not there at the time of the alleged criminal act.
Attorneys could scrutinize the actions taken by the arresting officers and prosecution to determine whether they followed correct police procedures. If anyone violated the defendant’s constitutional rights during a search, seizure, or arrest, a Piscataway solicitation attorney could get the case dismissed.
Solicitation charges frequently rely on police sting operations, in which a police officer may pose as a prostitute to entice people. If a police officer tricks a defendant into committing a crime they had no intention of committing, the defendant could argue the police entrapped them.
After reviewing the prosecution’s evidence, an experienced lawyer could decide on the most effective defense strategy.
In addition to being humiliating, stressful, and embarrassing, being convicted on solicitation charges can affect your future. Working with a seasoned local attorney who understands what you are going through and knows how to help is critical.
Call a dedicated Piscataway solicitation lawyer who could help you fight the charges. With their help, you could get the charges dismissed or reduced or win at trial.