The possession, production, and distribution of child pornography is a serious crime. The state has strict laws and harsh penalties for those convicted of child pornography offenses. A criminal conviction of this nature can impact nearly every facet of your life, making it difficult to secure employment and housing in the future.
If you were arrested for child pornography, you have the right to representation from a knowledgeable defense attorney. When you trust a Piscataway child pornography lawyer, the chances of a favorable outcome in your case increase significantly.
Child pornography offenses can include possession, distribution, production, and child exploitation. Investigators collect and evaluate evidence of child pornography from the suspect’s computer. After a thorough review of the data, prosecutors will base charges on factors such as:
Those convicted of a child pornography related offense can be subject to significant fines, lengthy prison sentences, mandatory sex offender registration, and restitution to victims. After an arrest, a Piscataway child pornography defense lawyer could ensure the accused person is treated fairly in court.
An accusation or conviction for child pornography can damage someone’s reputation beyond repair. Those facing charges of this nature should considering hiring a criminal defense attorney to represent them. A Piscataway child pornography lawyer can help by:
In child pornography cases, it is crucial to secure good legal representation. Many clients feel the odds are stacked against them and there is no point in fighting the accusations. A Piscataway child pornography lawyer will listen and advocate for the best possible outcome.
If you are facing charges for a child pornography offense, you should contact an attorney as soon as possible. Child pornography offenses carry severe penalties on the federal, state, and local levels. In some cases, state and local officials will refer child pornography cases to the FBI for federal charges.
Before you decide how to proceed, speak to a Piscataway child pornography lawyer who could advise you of options moving forward. Jennifer Marshall has practiced law for over 16 years and is unafraid to stand up for your rights. Contact us to discuss your legal rights today.